Wednesday, 29 September 2010

The struggles of weeing yourself with excitement.

Well, it has been a while.

And I don't really have anything new.

However, stuff is happening. Due to a sudden surge in my job hunting abilities (writing crap that no ones reads doesn't quite make ends meet) and the fact I have two pieces which I can't show yet that need to be finished in two weeks, my current ideas and projects aside from those will have to wait. But like I said, stuff is happening. You'll see.

Amongst the projects I hope to be working on soon will be a comic thing, a 'London of the Future' thing, something based on a Chris Morris thing, and some stuff for a friends band thing.

See? lots of things.

And if the mere mention of these magnificent things hasn't made you moist downstairs, then I don't know what will. I really don't.

Heres some sneak peaks at one of the 'secret' pieces anyway, just to prove that I am not a liar.

I am going now. Bye.

Studio Soundtrack provided by:

'Red Dead Redemption' Original Soundtrack (its music from a videogame, but its awesome.)

The Dillinger Escape Plan - 'Option Paralysis' (Used to not like this band when I was younger. Too shouty. Now I think everything they've done is a masterpiece. Taste is weird like that.)

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