Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Learn to Draw the Dirty Mouth Way!

Greetings from the grim toothy cave of my Dirty Mouth.

A new era has begun, and admittedly I'm struggling to keep up. I am thoroughly enjoying feeling like an artist/illustrator/doodler again, but I do feel like I need to step up my game.

The best way I've  to do this is by drawing. Lots of drawing. Eating? no, drawing. Sleeping? no, drawing. Amusing internet memes on youtube? well theres always time for an amusing meme. But you get the idea.
So, to help get myself up to scratch, and also work through my ideas, I have returned to the humble sketchbook. Well I didn't right away. Feeling rather full of myself for getting the previous work done, thinking that I could create anything and that soon the whole world would be worshipping me as an Art God, I went in all guns blazing on a piece. This was the result.

Yeah, Rubbish.

Maybe thats a bit harsh, but it definitely showed me the benefits of taking things slow and allowing things to emerge organically, like a blossoming orchid. Or the passing of a stool after a period of constipation.
So to the sketchbook I went, and the results were far more successful. These two 'sketches' (as they are called in the art world) represent the first stages of the 'band thing' I referred to in an earlier post. The band are called Barefaced Cynics, and they...oh fuck it. Just go here:


I am expecting huge financial compensation for that shameless and vulgar plug, in what is otherwise a Church of Creativity.

Heres the sketches.

These came together swiftly and I think they're pretty effective. Even if he says so himself.

Hopefully they will evolve into something special, and worth putting on the internet. Because the last thing I'd want to do is clutter up the World Wide Web with useless crap.

Come back soon, Love you, BYE!

The Dirty Mouth,

its gums bleed when you brush its teeth, so be gentle.

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