Monday, 7 May 2012

Lets try this again...

Well, its been a pretty long time since my last post. Civilisations have risen and fallen, corrupt governments have risen to power, world leaders have died, our natural resources continue to be depleted at an incredible rate and the 'draw something' app has become really popular. apparently.
For those of us who like to draw the proper way, and not on a tiny ponce-screen (yes, I am talking about me ) theres been a few changes. Way back in November 2010, I got a new job. This meant that time to create was short and pretty much all my energy went into working for a living, so I could afford food and rent and stuff. Fast forward to August 2011, a strange foreigner in London arrived seeking shelter. Never one to put myself before others arrangements had to be made to find a shared living space. So yes, my girlfriend moved over from Finland and we now live together in North London. Again, there was little time to indulge selfish art practices during this testing, but ultimatelly satisfying, time.

What does this have to do all the art stuff? Well nothing. Other than it explains my prolonged absence from creating stuff and puttting up here for no-one to see. However, things have settled with both work and home life and I am now ready to return to the creative process. As time was short when I began working again, I found solace in my sketchbook. I started to take it with me to work, and any spare time I had I tried to draw stuff. At first I was, frankly, rubbish. However for some reason I kept at it. Perhaps age has given me more resolve, and I know longer felt the petulant need to throw my materials across the room and declare that I will kill myself if I can't get the eyes right.

I focussed mainly on figure drawing, as it just comes natural to me and I've never been that great at anything else. Slowly I started to get better, simply by ensuring I kept drawing regularly. I started taking more risks- more complex poses (for my percieved ability), facial details, hands, feet. I tried to get back into that headspace of drawing what I wanted to draw, not drawing to impress others or to create a portfolio that might get get me work. I was just drawing stuff I liked because I wanted to. I felt 9 years old again, flicking through the UK reprints of Chris Claremonts and Jim Lee's X-Men and drawing whatever character struck me. Only now I had the skills I needed to create some pretty decent character ilustrations. I've never felt so free as an artist as I have done over the last 18 months. More confidence has grown and I feel far more focussed.

As a result there is now loads of stuff, for sketches to more finished pieces, to upload. And more in the pipeline. Heres some of them.

A recent comission I have imaginatively titled "IT'S ALIVE!"

Mina Murray from The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

A Character that started as a quick doodle in a sketchbook. Tentatively called 'Ork Hunter'

This are just a few of the things I've been working on, and I'm really looking forward to uploading the rest.

Few more things. I probably won't write this much again unless the situation dictates. My new M.O is going to be finish it, scan it, upload it, tell you what the fuck it is, get the fuck out of here. Pretty pictures are nicer than boring words anyway.

Also, might change the name. 'Dirty Mouth' seemed much more witty 2 years ago....